Wednesday, December 26, 2012

We are all here!

After 2 years of planning and a Rubic's Cube of schedule twisting and some helpful managers at the hospitals up and down the Willamette Valley, all of our family is here at Campestre Maranatha together!

 In the dining hall ready for dinner.  

With those arriving from Cabo just minutes ago, we are ready to eat and then begin to unwind after traveling especially with little ones.

Our cook Mary Lou.

Mary Lou and her husband Phillipi has cooked for years for our groups of youth and groups of adults that come to Campestre Maranatha.  They have been anxious to meet our family.  Tonight she has she is preparing tostadas with a special tortilla from the Mexican state of Colima.  She explains that these are scraped as they are being made therefore leaving them very thin.  

Of course the difference is all the goodies that Mary Lou puts on the top of them.

  Loading up on Mary Lou's specialty of the night.

Jeff is into the carrot soup.  By the way, can you tell by the color who has been here for a week already and who just arrived from Oregon?

 How many did you have Brody?!!

 Madalyn and Avery making close eye contact!

 Dinner was great, plans were made for the next several days and everyone headed off for a well needed nights sleep. 

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