Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The rest of the family is arriving today!

Some are flying into La Paz and some into San Jose del Cabo.  We will be seeing them all soon.

 In Portland waiting for their flight!

I like how Avery is holding onto Evans fingertip!

 Evan during his first airplane ride!

We have left La Paz and are driving to San Jose del Cabo to meet Don's and Dustin's.  We are taking the mountain route instead of the Pacific side.  We will not need to go through Cabo San Lucas this way.  This route leads us through some small old mining towns.  The first one is El Triunfo.

 El Triunfo.

Ususally we drive right through this little old mining town.  To drive just one or two blocks off the road gets you views of a time past. the old smoke stack in the above picture was designed by Gustav Eiffel!

 This wall has delivered it's best years.

 It is a 2 1/2 hour drive to the airport.  Part of the time is spent driving along the Sea of Cortez.  

 Just in case they forgot what we look like!

 Just in case we forgot what they look like!


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